3 Tips For Hosting A Successful Private Event For Employees And Their Families
Posted on: 28 December 2016
To keep your business running smoothly and successfully, it's vital that you show appreciation to the employees that have helped your business achieve great heights. A recent study shows that 80% of employees feel more motivated to work harder when their bosses show appreciation for their hard work. While there are a number of ways that you can accomplish this, one of the easiest and simplest things you can do is to host private events once in awhile for your employees and their families. Here are 3 tips that can help any event run along more smoothly and successfully.
Seat Families with Children of Similar Ages Together
It's important to keep everyone entertained, and the private event is a great place for your employees to get to know each other's families a little better. Some employees might really bond with one another as a result. This can boost company morale and interactions among employees. Children tend to have more similar interests and hobbies if they are in the same age group. Seating families with children of similar ages together can really help them bond, as they are more likely to talk to one another. Your employees are also probably going to have an easier time relating to other employees in the same familial situation as them.
Not everyone has kids. While some of your employees might enjoy having large families, others might prefer being child-free. These employees might not enjoy being seated next to children, and might prefer being in the company of adults only. You should give your employees the option of sitting at an adult-only table if they do not have any children or do not plan on bringing their children to the event.
Provide Activities for Attendees of All Ages
Book a venue and provide activities that will be suitable and will entertain attendees of all ages. The parents and the children should be equally as entertained and should have separate activities that interest them. For example, you might want to a wine tasting event at one side of the venue for the adults, and a finger-painting or story telling section for the children. Don't forget the teenagers as well. Encourage employees and their families to mingle.
As parents might not be at their children's side at all times, you should highly consider hiring security for the event. The venue should also be a closed space that is not accessible to the general public. For example, renting out an entire hall for your private event can be a great idea.
Send Out the Invitations and Confirm the Logistics Ahead of Time
The key to success is to be prepared. While you want to include everyone that is interested in attending, you should not allow any of your employees to make last minute decisions in regards to attendance. It simply will be too much work to make sure that you have enough food, chairs and space in the venue last minute. Sort out the logistics for the private event as soon as possible. You want to send out the invitations months in advance and have your employees confirm their attendance as early on as possible. Employees should also provide details as to how many family members they intend to bring along.
Sorting out the logistics early on will allow you to book vendors as soon as possible as well. This can help you land some great deals and promotions that will simply make the private event much more affordable and lavish.
After a long and difficult year, show some appreciation to your employees by hosting a private event just for them and their families. Not only will they appreciate it and be motivated to work harder, but you'll also strengthen your relationship with them and boost the company's overall morale. It's a win-win situation.